First Entrepreneur Club for Persons with disability in South India:
We are inaugurating an entrepreneur club for persons with disability. E Club Caliber was inaugurated on 18th February 2009. Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Deputy Director Panneerselvam, Mr.Sivaswamy Deputy Director of Employment, District Industrial Corporation Mr.Thangaraj, Deputy Director MSME Mr.Palanivel, Assistant Direct of MSME Mr.Vijayakumar, Professor Dr. Annadurai From Vellore Institute of Technology, Mr.Subramaniasiva, Vice President of UDIS Forum, Mr.Sekaran, Executive Director of UDIS Forum, Mr. Rajagopal, Chairman EDP, CODISSIA and nearly fifty persons with disability were participated in that inauguration including twenty five disabled entrepreneur.
In that inaugural ceremony all the Central Govt. Officers are explained scheme for the E Club. DIC Assistant director explained the loan and subsidy which is available in District Industrial Corporation. Mr.Rajagopal, Chairman EDP CODISSIA explained about the training & Exhibition stalls availability in for the E Club entrepreneur. Mr.Subramaniasiva explained about the employment and self employment for persons with disability. Deputy Director of Employment Mr.Sivasawai spoke about the need of entrepreneur from disabled community.
The E Club will promote the entrepreneur with disability. That is the best for self employment for persons with disability. We are going conducting regular meeting with the help of CODISSIA
We are inaugurating an entrepreneur club for persons with disability. E Club Caliber was inaugurated on 18th February 2009. Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Deputy Director Panneerselvam, Mr.Sivaswamy Deputy Director of Employment, District Industrial Corporation Mr.Thangaraj, Deputy Director MSME Mr.Palanivel, Assistant Direct of MSME Mr.Vijayakumar, Professor Dr. Annadurai From Vellore Institute of Technology, Mr.Subramaniasiva, Vice President of UDIS Forum, Mr.Sekaran, Executive Director of UDIS Forum, Mr. Rajagopal, Chairman EDP, CODISSIA and nearly fifty persons with disability were participated in that inauguration including twenty five disabled entrepreneur.
In that inaugural ceremony all the Central Govt. Officers are explained scheme for the E Club. DIC Assistant director explained the loan and subsidy which is available in District Industrial Corporation. Mr.Rajagopal, Chairman EDP CODISSIA explained about the training & Exhibition stalls availability in for the E Club entrepreneur. Mr.Subramaniasiva explained about the employment and self employment for persons with disability. Deputy Director of Employment Mr.Sivasawai spoke about the need of entrepreneur from disabled community.
The E Club will promote the entrepreneur with disability. That is the best for self employment for persons with disability. We are going conducting regular meeting with the help of CODISSIA